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India with large agriculture base is rightly poised to meet the food needs of the world. Government of India is committed to the growth of the food processing sector. With increase in food processing India can become the food factory of the world.
While inaugurating the Make in India Conclave – Standardization and Mechanization of Traditional Indian Food, organised by National Institute of Food technology entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) under Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI), Ranglal Jamuda, Secretary, MOFPI said “Our food processing capacity today is at a very nascent stage and therefore huge quantity food produced by farmers is wasted at various levels. A large quantity of agricultural produce is wasted due to lack of infrastructure, storage and processing facilities, The food processing industry holds tremendous potential to grow in India in view of the very low level of processing at present.”,
Ranglal Jamuda said that the government has given necessary importance and focus to the food processing industry and the ministry has launched various schemes for the promotion of food processing industry. With the processing of food, farmers will get assured market and better price for their produce, the food prices will not grow controlling the food inflation and unemployed youths could get jobs. Even without incentives food processing industry registered 8.4% growth rate and that shows the potential for growth of food processing sector in India.
Speaking on the occasion, Amitabh Kant, Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion(DIPP), stressed on focussing more on processed food as India is one of the largest producer of Milk and second largest producer of Fruit and vegetables, but its exports were almost negligible. India should develop its traditional food items under global standardization and mechanization with least human touch. India should also develop its own brands and have its world class food labs and logistics for taking the finished products for shipping immediately.
Dr Ajit Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, NIFTEM told that India’s traditional sweet ’Ghevar’ of North India along with Hyderabad’s famous Biryani has been chosen among 12 traditional dishes of different states that would be soon launched worldwide to satiate global taste buds under the ‘Make in India’ flagship program of Government of India. The other dishes of India that have been selected to be launched globally include ’Gushtaba’ of Kashmir; chicken curry of Punjab; ’khaakhra’ and ’khandvi’ of Gujarat; bamboo steam fish of south India; ’vada’ of south India, ’khaja’, ’inarsa’, ‘sattu’’ and ‘Kabab’ of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and ’Puran Poli’ of Maharashtra.
Dr Ajit Kumar informed that “Make in India” is a flagship program Prime Minister Narendra Modi designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, to protect intellectual property and to build best-in-class manufacturing infrastructure for products made in India. India is known for its traditional foods, which are mostly confined to the unorganized sector at present. Aiming at the uniform and hygienic mass production of those highly demanded traditional food products NIFTEM has launched a “Make In India” project for the standardization, mass production and marketing of traditional Indian Dishes all over the country as well as all over the world. Through this “Make In India” programme we may aim at making India the “Food factory of the world” & capture the whole world’s food market.
National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM), a Deemed–to-be university under De-novo category and Autonomous Institution under the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India has organised a two day Make In India conclave and Food HR Conclave on July 30 and 31, 2015 in New Delhi as part of the 11th Food and Technology Expo 2015.