Godrej’s Food and Microbiology lab drives consumer-centric innovation
GanedenBC is found in more than 1,000 leading food and beverage products around the world
Leading probiotic ingredient GanedenBC30 supports protein absorption, a human clinical study has shown.
GanedenBC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) is a patented spore-forming probiotic ingredient. The new double-blind randomized, controlled crossover study adds to the body of research demonstrating that it can increase amino acid absorption into the bloodstream. GanedenBC is found in more than 1,000 leading food and beverage products around the world.
The study was carried out at Lindenwood University in Missouri, US, and is published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
Researchers examined the effect of adding GanedenBC30 to Ultranor MPC, Kerry’s nutritional milk protein concentrate. Thirty men and women between the ages of 18 and 55 ingested 25g of Ultranor with or without 1 billion CFUs (colony-forming units) of GanedenBC daily for two weeks. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals and analyzed for concentrations of 22 amino acids.
Significantly greater quantities of amino acids were found in the blood of participants who consumed GanedenBC30 than those in the control group. They also had higher maximum concentrations of 10 amino acids, signaling increased absorption of the milk protein. Furthermore, consuming GanedenBC30 with Ultranor reduced the time to reach peak concentrations of certain amino acids.