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Asbestos and manganese are included in the rolling revision of the GDWQ and the draft revised background documents
The World Health Organisation (WHO) produces international norms on water quality and human health in the form of guidelines that are used as the basis for regulation and standard setting world-wide.
The Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ) promote the protection of public health by advocating for the development of locally relevant standards and regulations (health based targets), adoption of preventive risk management approaches covering catchment to consumer (Water Safety Plans) and independent surveillance to ensure that Water Safety Plans are being implemented and effective and that national standards are being met.
The Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ) are updated through a “rolling revision” process which ensures that the GDWQ presents the latest scientific evidence and addresses key concerns raised by countries.
The purpose of the rolling revision process is to maintain the relevance, quality and integrity of the GDWQ, whilst ensuring their continuing development in response to new, or newly-appreciated, information and challenges.
Asbestos and manganese are included in the rolling revision of the GDWQ and the draft revised background documents are now available for review.
WHO has continually produced guidance on the management of drinking-water quality since 1958 when it published the International standards for drinking-water. These standards were subsequently revised in 1963 and in 1971 under the same title.