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The study was based on the case of a long-standing systemic steroid dependent lichen amyloidosis suffering patient
A recent study by Ayushakti in Mumbai concluded that detoxification and ayurvedic modalities are safe and efficient to treat long-standing skin diseases like lichen Amyloidosis.
Amyloidosis is a group of diseases where one or more body organs accumulate various insoluble proteins which cause dysfunction of the organ system. Hyper pigmented macules are relatively common form of cutaneous amyloidosis, when severe may progress to hyper pigmented and keratotic popular lesions called as Lichen amyloidosis. Many treatment protocols are available yet the results are disappointing in the management of Lichen amyloidosis.
The study was based on the case of a long-standing systemic steroid dependent lichen amyloidosis suffering patient.
The treatment, as practiced on a systemic steroid depending individual suffering from lichen Amyloidosis, included the use of certain herbs which are Bhedniya in nature (penetrating and channel opening) that help to dissolve stubborn protein molecules and open up the channels to restore the functionality of the cells. The Aam pachak (helps to digest endotoxins), Deepniya (improving metabolic fire), Bhedniya (opening the channels) herbs are very helpful in getting rid of these proteins in the pathogenesis of lichen amyloidosis.
The mainline of treatment is repeated Shodhana (Biopurification), so that the disease can be eradicated from the root. Virechana (Detoxification) evacuates all morbid Doshas from all micro to macro Dhatu channels and regulates Vata, thus decreasing all symptoms of on Srotasa level in skin diseases.