Having higher levels of omega-3 acids in the blood increases life expectancy by almost five years
Levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are as good a predictor of mortality from any cause as smoking, according to a study involving the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), Spain in collaboration with The Fatty Acid Research Institute in the United States and several universities in the United States and Canada.
Researchers have found that omega-3 levels in blood erythrocytes (the so-called red blood cells) are very good mortality risk predictors.
The study concludes that having higher levels of these acids in the blood, as a result of regularly including oily fish in the diet, increases life expectancy by almost five years.
These results may contribute to the personalisation of dietary recommendations for food intake, based on the blood concentrations of the different types of fatty acids.
The researchers will now try to analyse the same indicators in similar population groups, but of European origin, to find out if the results obtained can also be applied outside the United States.