The phospholipid advantage is the biggest health differentiator

Anette YamamotoHansen, Regional Marketing Director, Asia Pacific, Aker BioMarine

A surge in consumer awareness about the importance of preventive healthcare is leading to a higher demand for nutraceutical-based products. The Japan-based Aker BioMarine is eyeing expansion in the Indian market. The company’s flagship ingredient Superba Krill oil has a lot of potential when it comes to healthy ageing. The product is also good for heart health. In a conversation with nuFFOODS Spectrum, Anette Yamamoto-Hansen, Regional Marketing Director, Asia Pacific, Aker BioMarine, highlights the company’s plans, especially in terms of its foray in India. Edited Excerpts:

How is your company contributing to the growth of the nutraceuticals market in India?

According to a recent India Nutraceutical Market Research Report (2021- 2032) from MRA Reports, a surge in consumer awareness about the importance of preventive healthcare is leading to a higher demand for nutraceutical-based products. This opens the doors for leading ingredient innovators like Aker BioMarine who are looking to expand in markets such as India. In India and throughout Asia, there is a lot of potential for Superba Krill oil, which is Aker BioMarine’s flagship ingredient, especially regarding healthy ageing. Many countries in Asia are facing the challenge of an ageing population. With an older demographic comes an increased risk of lifestyle diseases. Fortunately, these lifestyle disease risks can be mitigated by focusing on healthy ageing, and this is where Superba Krill oil comes in as a nutritional supplement with head-to-toe benefits. Healthy ageing is connected to the health of our cells and krill oil works at a cellular level. Around each cell, we find phospholipids, a natural, integral part of the cells that helps maintain the strength, flexibility and integrity of those cells and their membranes; phospholipids, found in the cell membranes, are also found in krill oil, helping to deliver total body health benefits at a cellular level. The phospholipid advantage is the biggest health differentiator that gives Superba Krill oil the X factor for healthy ageing and beyond. With Superba, those looking for a healthy ageing solution get all the benefits of omega-3s with the addition of choline in the phospholipid molecule, giving unique, direct action on vital organs affected by ageing. In addition to healthy ageing, we are seeing trends around positive action to prevent health concerns before they arise, which is driving consumers to products that meet their personal well-being needs. More than 1 in 3 consumers claim to be “proactive” in preventing

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