HSI/India aims to reduce consumption of animal-based products through viable alternatives

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Plans to initiate programmes that will enable the growth of innovative ideas through entrepreneurship and social innovation workshops using design thinking-led innovation practices

Humane Society International/ India (HSI/India), an affiliate of Humane Society International (HSI), which, along with Humane Society of the United States, having its presence in over 50 countries, aims to reduce the consumption of animal-based products through the creation of viable alternatives. HSI/India has worked with several start-ups and the ecosystem of alternatives through various initiatives.


The main focus of the Humane Entrepreneurship Program is on plant-based food, next-generation materials replacing and non-animal testing methodologies. Current egg, meat and dairy production and consumption practices are unsustainable and cause tremendous suffering. 


HSI/India is delighted to roll out programmes like the Humane Entrepreneurship Program in India, for Indian entrepreneurs in collaboration with global leaders in the space as mentors and advisors. 


HSI/India aims to scale small impactful businesses through mentorship, networking and upskilling to create a society that fosters innovations that are good for the planet and kinder to animals. The programme will enable the growth of innovative ideas through entrepreneurship and social innovation workshops using design thinking-led innovation practices. This programme will be customised based on your startup stage and the key issues you wish to resolve.


The programme is a continuous effort to enable and upscale humane ventures, now and in the future. The programme will run from September 2021 to February 2022 and in the duration of six months prospectus entrepreneurs will:


  • Redefine their business models and strategies with a design thinking approach. 
  • Be intensively coached by experienced global mentors who will guide them to achieve their goals. 
  • Be presented with opportunities to secure key partnerships to scale their venture.
  • Present their ideas to a forum of top investors from across the globe and secure funding.
  • Build lasting networks and connections from the plant-based sector. 


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