Bureau Veritas to establish leadership in South East Asia

image credit- indiamart.com

Bureau Veritas holds a 51% majority stake in the new business, while AsureQuality holds the remaining stake.

Bureau Veritas is pleased to announce the formation of Singapore-based BVAQ, a food testing company providing services to South East Asian markets. BVAQ is a joint venture created with AsureQuality, the New Zealand state-owned company providing food safety and biosecurity services.

BVAQ combines Bureau Veritas’ newly established food testing laboratories in Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand as well as its majority share in Permulab -a Malaysian leader in food and water testing- acquired in 2018, with AsureQuality’s state-of-the-art food testing facility operating in Singapore since 2010.

Bureau Veritas holds a 51% majority stake in the new business, while AsureQuality holds the remaining stake.

The partnership provides laboratory analytical services to all food industries in South East Asia, with an unparalleled geographical presence and testing scope as it can serve its customers from a “hub and spoke” model throughout Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

South East Asia represents 650 million people and benefits from a booming food industry and an increasingly complex food regulatory environment.

In 2016, Bureau Veritas successfully partnered with AsureQuality in the acquisition of Dairy Technical Services (DTS), the leading food testing provider in Australia. For Bureau Veritas, AsureQuality Singapore adds capabilities and renowned testing expertise while completing the Bureau Veritas network of laboratories in South East Asia.

Combined with DTS, full BVAQ joint-venture operations in South East Asia Pacific represent 9 laboratories and more than 500 staff.

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