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Category: From the Editor

The role of ’BIG DATA’ from the Clinical World and claims for Nutraceuticals!

The role of ’BIG DATA’ from the Clinical World and claims for Nutraceuticals!

In today’s arena of Nutraceuticals several brands do come up overcoming barriers of answering safety and products which get prescribed and get into the streamline. This is difficult especially for those consumers who care for

From the Editor
Faster life with proteins

Faster life with proteins

Reports of a recent survey on protein consumption in UK clearly exhibit a gap between understanding and action. While 81% consumers acknowledge importance of protein consumption, only 44% claimed to have daily diet with correct

From the Editor
Food safety & FSSAI’s regulatory role

Food safety & FSSAI’s regulatory role

In mid-September, a few hundred children at a government school in a poorer part of Bangalore fell ill after eating contaminated food given to them through the mid-day meal scheme. Predictably all hell broke loose

From the Editor
’Smelling’ labels

’Smelling’ labels

Gone are the days when people used to take the printed word as gospel truth. In this digital era there are various ways to believe in information apart from the printed word. Still, there is

From the Editor
The Paradigm shift of Health to Health & Wellness

The Paradigm shift of Health to Health & Wellness

The role of Food is not only that of satisfying hunger but also to give the holistic approach to the health of the body and mind. But of late science has shown that it is

Consensus or legal way?

The industry and its regulator are many a times at loggerheads as their inter- ests clash. It is more so in industries that are sensitive from the point of view of people’s lives, like food

Food, Health and Body: Nutraceuticals IN Toxins OUT!

Food, primary source of energy, proteins, calories, vitamins and minerals and other biomolecules, is simply the source of sustainable inputs into the body for all the requirements of development of the body, brain and sustaining

Food testing: A big opportunity awaiting India

In a country where the concept of outside food ranges from dishes served in top class restaurants and eatables packed in attractive packages to roadside eateries and the food items packed in informal, unorganized sector,

From the Editor
NuFFooDS industry’s wish list to Modi government

NuFFooDS industry’s wish list to Modi government

India’s 15th Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken over the administration of our vast country amidst great expectations all around on May 26, 2014. The ‘out of the box’ diplomatic coup of getting the heads

How will R&D and Regulations help Celiac disease patients in India and When?

In welcoming you to another edition of the new world of NuFFooDS Spectrum I would like to address a very important agenda of good Nutrition balance that can build a healthy body. We all are