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’Industry efforts needed to  first create Indian market’

’Industry efforts needed to first create Indian market’

As the nutraceutical, nutritional, functional foods and dietary supplements as well as Ayurceuticals and Sportsceuticals sectors are on growth path, the startups and SMEs are also going to play a vital role in development and

’Golden rice is a powerful symbol to stop anti-GMO campaign’

’Golden rice is a powerful symbol to stop anti-GMO campaign’

A strong supporter of GM food, transgenic and biotechnology in agriculture, Patrick Moore is vehemently propagating Golden rice consumption to overcome Vitamin A deficiency among the children, which causes diseases, blindness and death. Claiming to

“Create traditional foods board  for R&D activities”

“Create traditional foods board for R&D activities”

The Association of Food Scientists and Technologists AFST(I), one of the biggest associations in the country reaching global platform through professional membership of scientists, technologists and engineers, has around 3,000 members comprising food scientists and

“Create traditional foods board  for R&D activities”

“Create traditional foods board for R&D activities”

The Association of Food Scientists and Technologists AFST(I), one of the biggest associations in the country reaching global platform through professional membership of scientists, technologists and engineers, has around 3,000 members comprising food scientists and

’Acquaculture empowers  rural economy’ : Dr M Vijay Gupta

’Acquaculture empowers rural economy’ : Dr M Vijay Gupta

Dr M Vijay Gupta, the World Food Prize Laureate, was presented the Nutra Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award, at the 10th Nutra India Summit by noted scientist Dr R A Mashelkar. Dr Gupta’s exceptional achievement of

’Demands for healthy and functional food is expected  to grow’

’Demands for healthy and functional food is expected to grow’

Started in 1981 in Technical Support department of Shimadzu Corporation, Japan, Yoshiyuki Fujino took over as ManagingDirector of Shimadzu Analytical India last year. With over 30 years of working forShimadzu Corporation and setting up regional

Competitive situation is complex in India: Christian Philippsen, Managing Director BENEO Asia

Competitive situation is complex in India: Christian Philippsen, Managing Director BENEO Asia

BENEO, a part of the Südzucker Group – one of the leading food producers in Europe, is currently represented in more than 75 countries around the world. With 900 employees in six offices and five

’Investing in  future will pay rich dividends’

’Investing in future will pay rich dividends’

Health Canada, the Federal department that regulates products that help the people of Canada maintain and improve their health, has approved Sabinsa Corporation’s shelf-stable probiotic LactoSpore ingredient for sale in Canada. Although LactoSpore has been on the

Doctors & Nutritionists
’More students are enrolling for  nutrition and  dietetics courses’

’More students are enrolling for nutrition and dietetics courses’

What kind of role IDA will play in shaping dietitians? IDA is a platform where dietitians can exchange views, scientific updates and also network. IDA will continue to remain as the professional platform for exchange

Online nutrition market is booming with the growth of E-commerce:Sameer Maheshwari,Managing Director & Co-Founder, HealthKart.com

Online nutrition market is booming with the growth of E-commerce:Sameer Maheshwari,Managing Director & Co-Founder, HealthKart.com

HealthKart.com, a venture of the Bright Lifecare formed in March 2011 has grown to a strength of 400 plus, and is heading towards the cherished goal of becoming India’s e-health mega store. It sources the