Amarpreet Singh Anand, Founder and CEO, Superfoods Valley With a significant portion of the urban population grappling with lifestyle diseases such as high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and vitamin deficiencies, the importance of making
George Cheriyan, Consumer activist and an expert on Food Safety The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 is to ensure health and promote well-being for everyone. SDG 3 focuses on good health and well-being as essential
Sugar Watchers has developed patent backed and clinically tested Low GI foods Gurugram-based startup Sugar Watchers, a health food brand focused on beating the problem of diabetes, has raised Rs 3.6 crore in a recent
To help inform patients and their caregivers on diet and diabetes management High consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) was associated with an elevated risk of premature death and incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among people
Eating almonds before meals improved blood sugar levels in some people with prediabetes Two new research studies with almonds, one conducted over three days and the other over three months, demonstrated benefits to blood sugar
To strengthen awareness around prevention and management of obesity As part of their commitment to enable people to live healthier lives, Nestlé India has launched ‘Opt2Win’ programme powered by Nestlé Optifast, on the occasion of World Obesity Day,
Anthocyanins in plants have properties that reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes The red, purple and blue pigments in fruits, vegetables, and tubers called anthocyanins can reduce the risk of diabetes by affecting energy
Risk of liver damage is highest for those with obesity or diabetes A recent study from the US is giving people extra motivation to reduce fast-food consumption. The study found that eating fast food is associated
Time-restricted eating has shown potential benefits including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and cancer Numerous studies have shown health benefits of time-restricted eating including increase in life span in laboratory studies, making practices like intermittent fasting
Drinking coffee regularly after pregnancy may lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes for women who had diabetes during pregnancy One in three Singaporeans currently has a risk of developing diabetes in their lifetime, and