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Tag: diet

What’s Feeding Eating Disorder Epidemic?

What’s Feeding Eating Disorder Epidemic?

Although there has been a constant surge in the rate of eating disorders (EDs) across India, there is surprisingly very little scholarly literature available about it, within the country, as the area remains significantly under-researched

Diets rich in refined fibre may increase liver cancer risk: Study

Diets rich in refined fibre may increase liver cancer risk: Study

Many people commonly consume fibre-enriched foods to promote weight loss and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer Researchers from the University of Toledo in the US have found that diets rich in highly

Study links variation in human dietary patterns with ageing process

Study links variation in human dietary patterns with ageing process

Findings emphasize importance of taking a holistic approach to thinking about nutrients The answer to a relatively concise question- how does what we eat affect how we age- is unavoidably complex, according to a new study

Lallemand Health Solutions supports innovative French Gut Project

Lallemand Health Solutions supports innovative French Gut Project

With the objective to accelerate microbiota science Quebec headquartered Lallemand Health Solutions is joining forces with the French Gut Project, which aims to collect 100,000 French intestinal metagenomes for analysis, and the associated nutritional and clinical

Study links diet change with hypertension reduction

Study links diet change with hypertension reduction

To develop policies for the prevention of heart disease, especially for vulnerable adults Among several lifestyle changes that may reduce cardiovascular disease, adopting the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet may have the greatest