Stakeholder consultation on used cooking oil for sustainable ecosystem

To discuss current state & policy developments regarding used cooking oil

The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) in association with Observer Research Foundation (ORF) is organising a “Stakeholder Consultation on Used Cooking Oil (UCO) for Sustainable Ecosystem” on 31 January 2023 at the FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi.

This engagement has been designed to converge stakeholders to discuss current state & policy developments (regulatory & non-regulatory) regarding UCO, reuse and disposal; the threat posed by the re-use of UCO within the food system, and options and opportunities that can be realised by using sectoral best practices that can guide the design of a roadmap for better collection and management of the UCO.

A recent ORF study findings (supported by Neste) from a first of its kind survey  of 507 food business operators across four metros to examine the landscape of commercial used cooking oil generation, consumption, and diversion into the food stream will also be presented on this occasion. The report presents recommendations for better collaboration and partnership between the food industry, regulators, policy think tanks, UCO collectors and aggregators and India’s nascent biofuels industry.

Who Should Attend?

Food Business Operators (FBO’s)

Biofuel Manufacturing Companies & Biofuel Producers

QSR/ HoReCA/ Hotels

UCO collectors & Aggregators

Industrial Safety Practitioners

Food Regulatory Professionals

Food Processing Companies

R&D Professionals

Registration Link:

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