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Food supply chain disruptions may increase food security challenges: PwC

Food supply chain disruptions may increase food security challenges: PwC

Covid-19 will likely exacerbate the regions food security challenges in the short termThe PwC report titled “Maintaining food resilience in a time of uncertainty” commissioned by Food Industry Asia (FIA), the regional association representing Asia’s

Boosting your Immune System

Boosting your Immune System

Inputs by Nutritionist Sheryl Salis, R.D., C.D.E.It all starts with a little bit of cold and a sneeze and the flu is here! While the weather is getting warmer and the days get longer, there

Harnessing Supplemental Immunity Boosters to Combat against the Coronavirus

Harnessing Supplemental Immunity Boosters to Combat against the Coronavirus

Gaurav Kaushik, Managing Director & CEO, Meteoric Biopharmaceuticals talks about the role of supplements in in boosting immunityIn current times, the world over, the very mention of the word ‘Corona virus’ is unleashing panic and

“We are working on supplements for inflammatory, neurological diseases”

“We are working on supplements for inflammatory, neurological diseases”

NuFFooDS Spectrum interacted with Dr Muhammed Majeed, Founder & Chairman, Sami-Sabinsa Group.Sami-Sabinsa Group has announced the launch of its new manufacturing facility at Pharma SEZ Industrial Area, Hassan, Karnataka with a planned investment of Rs

Pulses are our climate resilient option to food security

Pulses are our climate resilient option to food security

Rajesh Aggarwal, Managing Director, Insecticides (India) Limited talks about the crucial role of pulses in IndiaSeldom do we find a crop that serves the need of people across countries and cultures. Pulses are one such

Bakery industry and its perceivable future

Bakery industry and its perceivable future

Amrinder Singh, Director, Bonn Group of Industries shares his views on the bakery industry and its perceivable futureWith digitization, changing consumer behaviour and thrust on rural development, Bakery industry is undergoing major changes in the

Curcumin present in turmeric can help prevent a myriad of cancers

Curcumin present in turmeric can help prevent a myriad of cancers

Curcumin in turmeric has the ability to modulate the immune systemTurmeric has traditionally been known to possess countless benefits due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been used traditionally in India and China

Alexa for Food Safety: Encouraging Young Minds to Eat Right

Alexa for Food Safety: Encouraging Young Minds to Eat Right

FSSAI aims to build an ecosystem where food safety and hygiene are a subject of mainstream conversation among children and young adultsHoping to reach out to the generation that is most affected by unsafe food,

Dairy brands falling into vicious pits of adulteration

Dairy brands falling into vicious pits of adulteration

The presence of antibiotic residues in dairy products is a big concernWhen a child wakes up in the morning, the first thing he gets from his mother is a glassful of milk on the breakfast

Put an appropriate fresh meat cut on plate

Put an appropriate fresh meat cut on plate

Get the myths related to meat consumption busted Nutrition and what goes into making it has been so well researched today, that it allows for a great deal of clarity in its consumption and addresses