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Category: Research

Dietary change could be key to enhancing colon cancer treatment

Dietary change could be key to enhancing colon cancer treatment

Laboratory research finds a low-protein diet can enhance standard treatment for colon cancer Cancer cells need nutrients to survive and grow. One of the most important nutrient sensing molecules in a cell is called mTORC1.

Excess of salty food contributes to increased stress levels: Study

Excess of salty food contributes to increased stress levels: Study

A diet containing lots of salt can contribute to increased levels of stress, a new study shows Scientists from the University of Edinburgh in the UK have found in studies of mice that a high-salt

Honey improves key measures of cardio-metabolic health: Study

Honey improves key measures of cardio-metabolic health: Study

Raw honey drove many of the beneficial effects in the studies, as did honey from monofloral sources Researchers at the University of Toronto have found that honey improves key measures of cardio-metabolic health, including blood

Tracing tomatoes’ health benefits to gut microbes: Study

Tracing tomatoes’ health benefits to gut microbes: Study

Favourable findings in pigs warrant human studies, researchers say Two weeks of eating a diet heavy in tomatoes increased the diversity of gut microbes and altered gut bacteria toward a more favorable profile in young

Kapiva’s ayurvedic Dia-free juice effective in diabetes management: Study reveals

Kapiva’s ayurvedic Dia-free juice effective in diabetes management: Study reveals

DiaFree Juice effective in reducing Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) and Post-Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS) values by up to 30% within 3 months of consumption Kapiva, a Mumbai-based ayurveda brand, recently conducted an AYUSH-approved single-arm, open-label

Scientists use bioengineering methods to increase yield of vegetable oils

Scientists use bioengineering methods to increase yield of vegetable oils

The team has filed a patent for their method of gene modification Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have successfully bioengineered an important protein in plants to increase the yield of oil from

‘Protein hunger’ drives overeating, large-scale population study shows

‘Protein hunger’ drives overeating, large-scale population study shows

Study confirms that processed foods key to rising obesity  The modern pallet's preference for highly processed and refined foods over a protein-rich diet is a key contributor to the high obesity rates in the Western

Study links moderate to heavy drinking in youngsters to higher risk of stroke

Study links moderate to heavy drinking in youngsters to higher risk of stroke

Reducing alcohol consumption may be emphasised in young adults with heavy drinking habits as part of any strategy to prevent stroke People in their 20s and 30s who drink moderate to heavy amounts of alcohol

Most adults seeking to lose weight overestimate healthiness of their diet: Study

Most adults seeking to lose weight overestimate healthiness of their diet: Study

Study finds dieters may overestimate the healthiness of their eating habits Adults who were making lifestyle changes to lose weight tended to overestimate how healthy their diet was, according to a new study in the

Scientists identify allergy-inducing properties of common dietary fibre in supplements

Scientists identify allergy-inducing properties of common dietary fibre in supplements

A common dietary fibre promotes allergy-like immune responses in preclinical studies A type of dietary fibre called inulin, commonly used in health supplements and known to have certain anti-inflammatory properties, can also promote an allergy-related