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Category: Research

New data support community-wide approach to addressing child obesity

Community wide interventions hold promise as an effective approach to reducing childhood obesity rates according to new research from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University and Tufts University School of

Adolescents and young adults with chronic disease at higher risk for eating disorders

Chronic health conditions such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and irritable bowel syndrome require patients to adhere to prescribed diets, usually for a lifetime. Complying with these restrictive diets is difficult for anyone,

Nutraceuticals provide medical or health benefits

Antioxidant activity in food and nutraceuticals contribute to a reduction in the risk of free radical generation and subsequent damage to human cells and tissues, according to a research study "Measurement of Antioxidant Activity in

“Sweet items and non-veg foods supply more energy”

Sweets and non-vegetarian food available on streets supply more energy followed by fried foods, cereal foods and fast foods. The carbohydrate content contributes to higher energy of sweet items while protein and fat of non-vegetarian