Union Budget 2025: Strengthens agriculture and advancing a sustainable food system
Supported by France 2030, AlinOVeg aims to be launched on the world market in the coming years
Roquette, Agri Obtentions, Eurial, Greencell, INRAE and the Université Lumière Lyon 2, have announced the launch of a collaborative project: AlinOVeg “Innovating in plant-based food”. For the next five years, public and private stakeholders will work together on the challenges of innovation in plant-based food to develop a French plant-based source sector (pea and fava bean protein) and to offer healthy and sustainable alternatives to dairy products.
This project is supported by a budget of €11.4 million, of which €8.3 million are provided by the French government as part of the France 2030 actions and operated by Bpifrance.
In a context of the accelerating food transition for more sustainable solutions and a growing desire for food independence via the use of more local supply chains, AlinOVeg will be a key project, driving innovation and generating new markets.
At the heart of this consortium, Roquette is associated with five other partners from the ecosystem of research and higher education such as INRAE and the Université Lumière Lyon 2, and private stakeholders like Agri Obtentions, Eurial and Greencell.
AlinOVeg’s objective is to develop innovative solutions and products (pea and fava bean varieties, protein ingredients, plant-based alternatives to cheese and plant-based desserts) and to create a strong and sustainable French sector.