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Why food industry and academia must turn collaborative?

Why food industry and academia must turn collaborative?

There is a need for more industry-academia interface so that the disconnect between the two can be resolvedThe food processing industry cannot exist without agriculture and for agriculture to be sustainable and be profitable, the

Food equipment manufacturers must play catch-up with foreign behemoths

Food equipment manufacturers must play catch-up with foreign behemoths

There is a need to adopt new methods, technology, and machinery for the food processing industry with least impact on sensory qualities such as colour and texture. But due to the dearth of advanced technology

How Food Systems Approach is the way forward

How Food Systems Approach is the way forward

It has become extremely critical to ensure food safety for optimum health and well-being of peopleFood is an integral part of our life and thus there has always been an exclusive focus on what we

Vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients-Where to find them?

Vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients-Where to find them?

While phytonutrients are available in supplement form it is advised to consume them as a nutrient-rich foodPhytonutrients and vitamin and mineral supplementation in popular knowledge are known to give our body risen antioxidant capacity. Moreover,

Sugar: Brown over white, busting the myth

Sugar: Brown over white, busting the myth

Excess intake of sugar in any form will provide extra calories, so regardless of whatever is the kind of sugar, should be consumed in moderationGenerally, sugar is known to be a versatile ingredient in homely

Are we picking the right diet?

Are we picking the right diet?

New diets focusing on whole foods have taken over the global marketsFrom an era of packaged foods and instant meals, the world is slowly welcoming and implanting necessary changes in diet and lifestyle. With a

Switching to delectable and nutritional edible replacements

Switching to delectable and nutritional edible replacements

Satisfying hunger is an important part of life, but then listening to what your mind tells you to eat, can be the key to switching to clean consumption of foodIt is said that foods can

Algae to become alternative protein frontrunner

Algae to become alternative protein frontrunner

We need to address the growing demand for meat while also ensuring that our food is sustainably sourced, which means we need food that tastes exactly like meat but does not burden the environment. The

Front-Of-Pack Labelling: Time for Action

Front-Of-Pack Labelling: Time for Action

Helping consumers to make informed choices of healthy packaged foodOne of the leading universities in Australia recently published a study on ultra-processed foods and beverages sales in 80 countries. Findings of the study showed that

Transforming organic food market with digitalisation

Transforming organic food market with digitalisation

It has been researched that the organic market in India stood at over Rs 1,200 crore last year and this year the market is likely to cross Rs 2,000 crore.One of the most significant understandings