Ministry of Ayush: Relating Giloy to liver damage is completely misleading

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This study mentions that use of herb Tinospora Cordifolia (TC), commonly known as Giloy or Guduchi, resulted in liver failure in six patients in Mumbai.

The Ministry of Ayush has responded to a media report based on a study published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, a peer reviewed journal of the Indian National Association for the study of the liver. This study mentions that use of herb Tinospora Cordifolia (TC), commonly known as Giloy or Guduchi, resulted in liver failure in six patients in Mumbai.

The Ministry has pointed out that the authors of the study failed in placing all needful details of the cases in a systematic format. Apart from this, relating Giloy or TC to liver damage would be misleading and disastrous to the Traditional Medicine system of India as herb Guduchi or Giloy has been used in Ayurveda since long.

After analysing the study, the Ministry also noticed that the authors of the study have not analysed the contents of the herb that was consumed by the patients. It becomes the responsibility of the authors to ascertain that the herb consumed by the patients is TC and not any other herb.



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