Addressing Heart & Lifestyle Diseases with Nutraceuticals

In India, the treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) market is estimated to achieve a revenue of $10.52 billion by 2024. Looking ahead, the market is projected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR 2024-2028) of 6.59 per cent. This growth will lead to a market volume of $13.58 billion by 2028.

In terms of global comparison, the United States is anticipated to generate the highest revenue in the CVDs market, reaching a staggering $134.10 billion in 2024. India’s growing middle class and increasing access to healthcare drive demand for innovative treatments for CVDs, according to a report by Statista. Over the past few decades, health and fitness have become a priority for people. Hence, there is a special emphasis on diet, nutrition, exercise, and supplements. Nutraceuticals which were once an innovative concept, now hold a prominent position in people’s health journey, acting as health partners and offering added health benefits. It has become increasingly popular in recent years, with a growing number of people taking an interest in their health benefits. Let’s deep dive and look at the newfound interest in nutraceuticals.

Approximately 2.26 million adults died in India due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in 2020, where nearly 4.77 million people were diagnosed with the disease, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). To overcome such a situation, India has diverted its focus on supplements and nutraceuticals consumption. Dietary variables play a significant impact in the onset, development, morbidity, and death of chronic diseases.

Dietary variables are responsible for 40-50 per cent of cardiovascular problems. People are more likely to suffer from heart disease which increases the demand for nutritional supplements. Increasing focus on preventive health has created a large market for nutraceuticals, as people strive to maintain their health with preventative measures. The combination of these three factors has been driving the growth of the nutraceutical industry.

This rise in awareness is largely attributed to advancements in technology and an increase in social media content surrounding nutraceutical products. New research is discovering innovative uses and applications for existing ingredients, therefore creating even more opportunities in this sector.

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