Leading hypermarket brand Tesco has launched a new range of healthy foods under a new brand, “Tesco Healthy Living”. This brand will replace Tesco Light Choices and Tesco Eat Live Enjoy. It aims to give
While India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, the country’s integrated cold chain industry is nascent and is witnessing a wide demand and supply gap. Cold storages at production
Nutranomics, a publicly traded company engaged in research and development of nutritional food products in Utah had announced that it plans to open a new sales operations office in Tokyo, Japan.Dr Tracy K Gibbs, CEO,
The analysts of Research and Markets forecast that the Global Cold Chain market would grow at a CAGR of 15.94% over the period 2013-2018. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is
Following the success of the ’Dal on call’ initiative in Mumbai and Delhi, Tata I-Shakti unpolished dals, India’s first national packaged brand of dals and pulses, had announced ’Dal on call’ service in Bangalore. Speaking
Dalda, one of India’s most iconic brands announced relaunch of its cooking oil range in the Indian market. Dalda cooking oil range claims to be zero in cholesterol and contain Vitamins A, D and E
Developing asthma is related to the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed. Gut bacteria ferment the dietary fibres contained in them and fatty acids enter the blood as a result, influencing the immune response in
The number of overweight and obese adults in developing countries has ballooned from 250 million to almost 1 billion. The figure is highlighted in a major new review from the Overseas Development Institute exposing the
New Nutrition Business has published the new forecast 12 Key Trends in Food, Nutrition and Health 2014 which predicts that dairy is moving its focus on naturally healthy products instead of adding ingredients. “The dairy
As required by the bipartisan FDA Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA), the US Food and Drug Administration had proposed a rule that would require the largest food businesses in the United States and abroad to