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Category: Research

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Energy drinks boost desire to drink alcohol

Energy drinks boost desire to drink alcohol

Mixing of alcohol with energy drinks can boost people’s desire to keep drinking alcohol, according to a research by Dr Rebecca McKetin and Alice Coen of Australian National University’s Centre for Research on Ageing, Health

Are insects the superfood of the future?

Are insects the superfood of the future?

Insects are being touted as the healthy, sustainable food source of the future, but would consumers be willing to dine on bugs? According to the recent research by Canadean, Insects are predicted to be the

Study: Tart Cherry juice increases sleep time in adults with insomnia

Study: Tart Cherry juice increases sleep time in adults with insomnia

A morning and evening ritual of tart cherry juice may help you sleep better at night, suggests a new study presented at the Experimental Biology 2014 meeting. Researchers from Louisiana State University found that drinking

Snacking away from home contributes extra calories: study

Snacking away from home contributes extra calories: study

Specific foods consumed by young children are leading to excessive intake of saturated fat and sodium in their daily diets, according to a study from Nestle Nutrition. New research presented at the Experimental Biology 2014

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Soy and dairy protein blend may be beneficial for building muscle mass

Soy and dairy protein blend may be beneficial for building muscle mass

Consuming a blend of soy and dairy proteins after resistance exercise may have additional benefits for building muscle mass, a recent study from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) says. The study published online

Sucralose has water-like effect on sugar and insulin levels

Sucralose has water-like effect on sugar and insulin levels

Consuming sucralose - a popular sweetening ingredient - in a drink is shown to have the same effect as water on a person’s sugar and insulin levels, according to a study reported in Diabetes Care,

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Almost 3 out of 4 Indian packaged foods fail to display salt levels

Almost 3 out of 4 Indian packaged foods fail to display salt levels

Large numbers of packaged food products available in Indian stores fail to display nutritional data relating to the amount of sodium present thus preventing consumers from making informed food choices, reveals a survey conducted by

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Probiotics may help women lose weight

Probiotics may help women lose weight

Certain probiotics could help women lose weight and keep it off, says a recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition.The study, led by a team of researchers headed by Canada-based Université Laval Professor

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Prebiotics affect relationship between gut and brain

Prebiotics affect relationship between gut and brain

Clasado - a prebiotic manufacturer from a small European country Malta - and University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry have announced the results of pre-clinical research that demonstrates prebiotics affect the relationship between the gut

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Frutarom- Aquanova study shows superior bioavailability of Curcumin

Frutarom- Aquanova study shows superior bioavailability of Curcumin

Frutarom Switzerland Ltd., BU Health, together with Aquanova AG, Germany, has announced results of a recently published human study examining the bioavailability of curcumin through three different systems for oral administration. The results indicate superior