FSSAI proposes Indian Nutrition Rating as part of FoPL regulation

To provide information on the overall nutritional value of the food and/or on nutrients included

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has released a draft notification related to Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling (FoPNL) for suggestions and comments for a time period of 60 days from its date of upload i.e.20th Sept 2022.

For Front-Of-Pack Nutrition Labelling (FoPNL), Indian Nutrition Rating (INR) is proposed. INR is a star rating FoPL model which rates the overall nutritional profile for packaged food by assigning it a rating from ½ star (least healthy) to 5 stars (healthiest). More stars indicate that the food product is better positioned to provide for daily human need of nutrients.

Calculation of INR score and star rating is dependent on–

  1. Baseline points – which are calculated using 4 health risk increasing factors like energy, total
    sugars, saturated fat, and sodium for solid foods per 100g product, and using energy and total
    sugars for liquid foods per 100ml product.
  2. FVNLM points- which are calculated using percentage of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and millets. For Liquid foods only FV points to be considered and not NLM points.
  3. Protein and fibre points- which are calculated using protein and fibre amounts. For liquid foods
    only protein points to be considered and not fibre points.

The draft proposes that compliance shall be voluntary until a period of 48 months from the date of final notification of these regulations and mandatory thereafter.

Image credit- shutterstock

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