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’Dal on call’ service in Bangalore

’Dal on call’ service in Bangalore

Following the success of the ’Dal on call’ initiative in Mumbai and Delhi, Tata I-Shakti unpolished dals, India’s first national packaged brand of dals and pulses, had announced ’Dal on call’ service in Bangalore. Speaking

Functional Foods
Dalda edible oil relaunched in new avatar

Dalda edible oil relaunched in new avatar

Dalda, one of India’s most iconic brands announced relaunch of its cooking oil range in the Indian market. Dalda cooking oil range claims to be zero in cholesterol and contain Vitamins A, D and E

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Dietary fiber helps fight asthma

Dietary fiber helps fight asthma

Developing asthma is related to the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed. Gut bacteria ferment the dietary fibres contained in them and fatty acids enter the blood as a result, influencing the immune response in

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Obesity in developing countries reached 1 billion mark

Obesity in developing countries reached 1 billion mark

The number of overweight and obese adults in developing countries has ballooned from 250 million to almost 1 billion. The figure is highlighted in a major new review from the Overseas Development Institute exposing the

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“Naturally healthy” is new direction in dairy market

“Naturally healthy” is new direction in dairy market

New Nutrition Business has published the new forecast 12 Key Trends in Food, Nutrition and Health 2014 which predicts that dairy is moving its focus on naturally healthy products instead of adding ingredients. “The dairy

FDA proposes new food defense rule

FDA proposes new food defense rule

As required by the bipartisan FDA Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA), the US Food and Drug Administration had proposed a rule that would require the largest food businesses in the United States and abroad to

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Milk may serve as a protective carrier of bioactive molecules

Milk may serve as a protective carrier of bioactive molecules

Polyphenols found in tea manifest anti-cancer effects but their use is limited by poor bioavailability and disagreeable taste. A study published in the Journal of Dairy Science shows that when epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the major

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Haryana announces nutrition policy for women and children

Haryana announces nutrition policy for women and children

State Government of Haryana has announced State Nutrition Policy for Women and Children to improve the nutritional status of adolescent girls and women in the state.According to reports, the state policy aims to develop an

Mercy Nutraceuticals launches hangover prevention tablet

Mercy Nutraceuticals launches hangover prevention tablet

US-based Mercy Nutraceuticals, maker of functional products and a leading player in hangover prevention, launched the Mercy Hangover Prevention Chewable Tablet on New Year’s Eve. The five-calorie, citrus-flavored tablet can counter the negative effects of three

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Eating peanuts increases longevity: Study

Eating peanuts increases longevity: Study

A new major study showed that people who ate a handful of peanuts daily increased longevity. Results were strongest when peanuts were eaten daily, reducing death from multiple causes by up to 20%, but benefits