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Category: Research

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Buffaloberry may be next super fruit

Buffaloberry may be next super fruit

New research has uncovered an under-utilised berry that could be the new super fruit, the buffaloberry. A new study in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), found that

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Blackberry juice supplementation may inhibit food borne disease

Blackberry juice supplementation may inhibit food borne disease

Berries such as blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry; possess several biological activities including antimicrobial and nutritional effects. A study published in Food Control shows that blackberry juice may be used as a preservative in food processing

Protein-rich breakfast can help against obesity

Protein-rich breakfast can help against obesity

A new research presented at US-based The Obesity Society’s annual scientific meeting in Atlanta, USA shows that eating high protein breakfasts can curb hunger throughout the morning, helps reduce obesity by reducing tendency to overeat.

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Lowering salt intake may improve health in kidney disease cases

Lowering salt intake may improve health in kidney disease cases

A study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) shows that reducing salt intake may benefit the heart and kidney health of patients with chronic kidney disease. Excessive salt intake is

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72% of Mumbaikars are prone to CVD:  Saffola life study

72% of Mumbaikars are prone to CVD: Saffola life study

The Saffola life Study 2013, India’s largest study on risk factors precipitating heart disease, revealed that more than 70% of 1.86 lakh urban Indian respondents are at cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. When the study was

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Watermelon juice may reduce muscle soreness

Watermelon juice may reduce muscle soreness

An amino acid found in watermelon may play a key role in decreasing post-exercise muscle soreness, according to a study published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.The antioxidant properties and potential to increase muscle

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Study reveals reasons behind child obesity

Study reveals reasons behind child obesity

A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that childhood obesity may be associated with receptiveness to TV fast food advertising.A sample of 2,541 American participants, ages 15–23, were surveyed for the

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Eating Peanut Butter/Peanuts at breakfast helps control hunger

Eating Peanut Butter/Peanuts at breakfast helps control hunger

A new study, released in the current British Journal of Nutrition, showed that consuming peanut butter or peanuts for breakfast can control blood sugar throughout most of the day, even after eating a high carbohydrate

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Adding Citrus to Meatballs Improves Nutritional Quality

Adding Citrus to Meatballs Improves Nutritional Quality

Most Americans only consume half the daily recommended amount of dietary fiber. A study presented at the American Meat Science Association (AMSA) conference shows that adding citrus fiber to ground beef may improve fiber while

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Study shows way to increase kids’ fruit, veggie intake

Study shows way to increase kids’ fruit, veggie intake

US children don’t eat enough fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A study published in the journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shows that intervention programmes may be able to increase fruit and vegetable