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Will India’s Food Security offer Nutrition Security?

Will India’s Food Security offer Nutrition Security?

Food Security and Nutrition Security are closely interrelated and may appear in a vicious cycle in some cases. There are an estimated 925 million hungry people in the world and around 1.4 billion people live

Nutra growth attracting pharma players

Nutra growth attracting pharma players

Pharma companies view the nutraceuticals sector as an extension of the healthcare sector and look to leverage their existing brand equity in the high growth markets where they can bypass price regulations as nutraceutical products

Opportunities Vs Challenges

With the government support and initiatives already in place from the regulatory agencies the nutraceuticals industry will see significant growth in the coming years, provided the companies stick to delivering consistent high quality and safe

Indian nutraceutical industry to cross $2 billion in 2014

Increasing health awareness, shift towards preventative health care and increased regulatory clarity in food safety and standards, are supporting the opening up the doors of Indian nutraceutitcals and nutritional market.Over 40 % of deaths and

FSSAI – Hurdles to Harmonisation!

FSSAI – Hurdles to Harmonisation!

To a large extent Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has created a level playing field among stakeholders of the industry, which is waiting to see the authority to build strength, regulate the